About Riveting Wellness Cosmetic Solutions and Training Institute

At our hair restoration center, we are dedicated to providing a truly gratifying and rejuvenating experience, where we enhance your outer beauty while nurturing your inner essence. Our holistic approach combines advanced cranial prosthetics, natural products, and an educational, friendly service that transcends traditional beauty care. We aspire to be pioneers in the realm of beauty and wellness, creating a unique oasis where relaxation and the harmonization of inner and outer beauty converge. Step into our salon, and you’ll discover an immersive experience that promotes the well-being of your mind, body, and soul.

Becky Wilson

Becky Wilson

Hello, I'm Rebecca Wilson, owner of Riveting Wellness Cosmetic Solutions and Training Institute, a private upscale full-service salon dedicated to excellence in hair restoration and non-surgical hair replacement. With over 16 years of industry experience and as a certified hair loss specialist, I'm proud to lead a SAM certified company known for fostering meaningful relationships within our community."